
Savadori… One of us!!

We first met Lorenzo Savadori by chance at a trade show, a nice guy, good-looking; we knew who he was and we approached him.

HeΒ has welcomed us as friends and treated like equal from the first moment… We were amazed that such a champion treated us like this; over time, we realized that heΒ is a champion not only in sports, but also in life, because he has a big big heart.

You can easily tell, by looking at him, he is serene, outgoing, he has the life he dreamed of and you see that, heΒ is a healthy guy, in love with life… In short terms, just the right one for us.

We also met its coordinator Daniele Soglia, contacted byΒ email, and strangely the thing he asked was: “Tell me all you want us to do for you, and we’ll try to do it.”

We do not really know what to say, and in fact it took us days to answer the email, we feared to makeΒ a bad impression, and instead the response was almost immediate and positive; we really found a gold duo.

The gold you can see in the eyes and smile of Lorenzo, that make you think everything looks beautiful!

They opened their arms to Riders4Riders and welcomed all of us as old friends, because they believe in us, in the cause and admire our dedication, and we believed in him in return; there is little to add, was really LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!

How to make you understand how big his heart is? We do not know, we told you our brief history, and we hope you like it.

Maybe with these few lines he will truly understand that he is a champion and he will win the next round of the World Superbike, or win battles with us, and maybe the war… We can not know by now!

We only know that he is our ambassador, bearer of a noble cause, and we hope he never change, maybe that he justΒ that give that little rushΒ to reach hisΒ goals!

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